Not So Secret Crush ...if that's what you call it...LOVE

I can't live with myself another day

if I let this guy get away

What do you mean let get away

how can you if you never had him in the first place

are you from outerspace

no....inner space

spiritual space

not so out of place

I trust my feelings

my senses are reeling

I need to connect somehow someway

I pray to God it will happen someday



I NEED him in my life

It's causing me too much strife

that he's gone

I don't belong

away from him

need to be near him

maybe wanna be HIS wife

I would like happiness in this life

hope he feels the same

but for now I feel so lame

Afraid to be aggressive

though thoughts of him are obsessive

I think maybe we're both shy

but I want him to be my guy

I want the move to be his

hope he knows this

I'm not strong enough to do this

I hinted around as much as I could

It didn't do me any good

Maybe he is just not into me

I need to be free

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I feel too much for someone I shouldn't and not enough for someone I should....such is life...gotta get on with it already...

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Danielle Wagner's picture

this is amazingly powerful. it's totally relatable to and i love it! it's so..accurately descriptive! keep up the good work- ur amazingly talented!:D