Bad News Blues

Think I'll take a snooze

right after the news

If I dare

Might have a nightmare

Find out what's goin down

all around town

If you wanna sing the blues

all ya gotta do is watch the news

it's guaranteed to get you down

and turn your smile into a frown

Make no mistake

found a man dead in the lake

another one got shot

at a local night spot

a young lady got stabbed

after being maliciously grabbed

an old lady was mugged

a politician was bugged

a couple broke their necks

in some crazy car wrecks

a hitch hiker was found

buried beneath the ground

They accentuate the negative

alleviate the positive

ain't it crazy how people live

they take from you and never give

The news just gives us all things bitter

don't find that much garbage in the litter

I think I'll just crash

don't wanna see no more trash

Their current events aren't my bag

as a matter of fact they're really a drag

I wanna hear about the good things in life

don't need more worry, cares, and strife

Their current events aren't my scene

Oh friend, do ya know what I mean

I don't think they'll ever come clean

They're really quite obscene

The reporters are so abusive

no wonder people get so elusive

"Your husband's in a plane crash, how do you feel?"

Come on, reporter,are you for real?

I've never seen more indignation

spread so widely across the nation

oh please won't you change the station

from the news I need a permanent vacation

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written long ago but still rings true

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Rosemary Hosford's picture

Amen. We know the suffering of all people we don't need on the scene photos of dead people or the details. Do you think anyone would watch all all good news station?

word_man's picture

Sounds like a blues song to me
we sing the blues about half our life

ron parrish

Buford Lurch's picture

Well said. Often the evening news is the scariest horror movie on TV.