Midlife Crisis

The need to re-evaluate my life

is causing me too much strife

I don't wanna be a wife

Don't know how to get out of this mess

causing me too much stress

Been in a loveless marriage way too long

guess it's time to write a song

at least get my feelings out

it's over....no doubt

It's time to move on

but not sure how

It's draining to dwell on

hurts too much....OW...

been taken advantage of way too long

am so tired of putting up with it

we don't even get along

long overdue...it's time to end it

he doesn't love me but doesn't want out

he's got it too good here...no doubt

he's a user



when I say I want a divorce he says I want half

I should feel brave enough to just laugh

he's got a lotta nerve...

It's bad enough he owes me over a hundred thousand

that I will never see

for his half of the bills since he's been with me

if I had all the money he owes me

I'd be fine financially

but I don't and never will

I'm the one who pays the bills

and it's taking its toll

on my soul

I am basically the breadwinner and loser

to the lazy bum user

I need to divorce him and sue for what he owes me

not let him continue to live his life off of me

need to get rid of him a.s.a.p

Why do I let him scare me

into thinking I am stuck with him

how stupid can I be

to give up so easily

what power does he have over me

fear of the unknown

afraid to be alone

at least I'd be alone in peace

and the emotional abuse would cease

he is a disease

need a doctor please

Author's Notes/Comments: 

mid-life crisis...life is too short to waste any time and have wasted way too much time with my user,loser, abuser husband that I never should have married. That was the biggest mistake of my life and I need to correct it but can't seem to find a way out. I feel stuck with him and need to break free. God help me.

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fighter4life's picture

This is really good, an excellent description of a midlife crisis.

sue mceachern's picture

god bless u for dealing with this for so long . when he is not around take everything and leave . contact a lawyer and the abuse hot line they can direct u and help u. god bless u and good luck i hope everything turns out ok sue