Matter of Fate

I guess it was destiny

That brought you to me

It's a matter of fate

That caused the way we relate

We understand each other

Without sayin a word

but you're devoted to another

of that fact I'm assured

When we try to talk

The words just get in the way

We never say what we mean

so we can't mean what we say

The truth of the matter

is left unsaid

but the look in your eyes

can be easily read

We talk circles around

what we really wanna say

you know that we are bound

to face the truth someday

We were meant for each other

but we found out too late

so you're stuck with another

It's a matter of fate

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written ages ago but still has meaning to me

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

sounds like one sided love to one who is hooked to another