Don't Belong

I don't belong in this world

There's nothing here for me

I don't belong in this world

There's nothing but misery

Like an artist with a canvas and no paint

Life is one big empty slate

If you can't draw the picture in your head

Then you may as well be dead

A dreamer without a scheme

Is like an anthem without a theme

Take it from me they can't exist

In a world where temptation's so hard to resist

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written long ago...but being the dreamer procrastinator this one hits me hard...gotta pay attention to my poetry and subconscious and guardian angel and just trust my instincts and ignore the fear to go where I need to go to get there..oh boy...lesson needs to be learned here cuz I am automatic writing like with poetry  on a flow....gotta go..

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

I dont agree with this one. I do think you belong in the world,the thing is one is always a dreamer wether they realize it at moments of not ,but eventually it always comes to them. Yes temptations are hard to resist from the world ,but a dreamer deciphers the important from the nonimportant

Delicate Rose's picture

Hey Pam! Long time no talk. I really liked this poem. I like all of your poems. It looks like you have been one busy lady, eh?
I hope you are doing well. Remember I love you.
