
quite regularly now
so many lost and
searching souls
blindly write of their
vacant lacking
pity all a blush grows
stagnant and stale
disingenuous thoughts
create havoc
in the guttered swag
maniacal and mean spirited
their sightless desperation
it reads like disease in
some small colony
the outcome is drawn out and
though they often end up
first many shallow paths
they venture down
learning through the many
barbed wire experiences
they encounter
real personal growth gets
unconscious living
drinks deadly doses
of that 'poor me' Kool Aid
it's when we separate
clearest from the
shadowed self
we gain perspective
from a higher view
we are fallible
we are limited
but we possess
the Fort Knox
of all valuables
the unpolluted soul
and once we really
know this
and incorporate it in
our daily lives
the 'Unilaterally Insignificant'
withers away
to be no more
take a breath
I say
and discover yours.............
(Jan. 12, 2012 1228am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I read a ton of poetry here on post poems and I see so much despair, hate, disgust, shock, pain, questions of why isn't the world better or why doesn't this or that person love me. So many focus unilaterally on why is everything this way. I say go inside yourself change you, change your view, Dim your eye sight and grow your insight. To self, to accepting people as they are and not wanting to change them. To giving up on relationships that are toxic for you. If someone is not adding to your life but taking away from it then drop them. No matter how painful because it would be more painful to stay with someone you realize is never going to change. If it doesn't work out ( whatever it is) then realize it's not working out cause it's not meant to be otherwise it would be working out. It's so simple. Why question the self what is wrong with me what am I not doing for this person. There is nothing wrong with you they are just not the person for you. Let them go and move on. Let whatever bad situation in your past go and move on. Everybody has painful things in their past. Don't let that define you. Let the lessons you lived through in your life empower you. Learn from the mistakes, don't sit around and whine about them. If you can't do it on your own then get some professional help. This poem came from reading I bet you 25 poems lately posted. I'm flabbergasted how many people stay in that rut of poor me and never climb out of it but obsess over why? how? what went wrong? over and over again. They are like mules in a barbed wire fence they just stay there until someone comes along to try to save them. You have to be your own savior. If you don't really know you and project on to the world why don't you know me and love me like I need to be loved how can you expect someone to fulfill that. If you can't even love yourself how can you expect anyone else to. Come on people buck up. You got a brain use it be your own best friend. Give yourself advice you would give to a friend hurting. I'm all worded out now on this. I hope this poem helps someone somewhere and if all it manages to do is tick some people off then they are just living in their self denial and even God couldn't get through to them not until something really life altering blows them out of their rut..........

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