

seated at her mother desire's side

a most deadly erratic combination

who's tentacles are a time bomb

to the innocent heart

bowing nay

to kings nor slaves and yet

kings and slaves alike bow to these two

empty pits

ever free, shallow and often unashamedly

their spell

truly a warped cycle of madness

most would trade not their jewels

bedecked in the most precious of metals

nor any other wealth or gathered fame

for though many while in such webs appear

to achieve outwardly

such boundless much

while within one sees later

when the mirrors unsurprisingly crack

that these same dazzling beings

sufferest most

for such ravenous greed

with these so envied powers

they can only walk lame

lending no true substance

to one's character to enable him

to build on a healthy foundation of

truth and respect

surrounded in joy

and self valuation

secure in the knowledge that his self worth

is truly unpurchasable

so turn your back to these dank, attractive flames

for they only have grief and ugliness to trade

as in any eventual

enter every unknown confidant

and fearless

for the light from within can not be bartered

bought, taken nor shared..............

(written Aug. 31, 2003 255am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

my belief on how wealth can
be a bad thing sometimes like in the bible when it says for a rich man to pass into heaven is like an elephant slipping through an eye of a needle. Likely in some cases it is true as great wealth tends to corrupt one so badly.

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