
with put upon integrity made by progress

brought about through the undeniable issues

we come to learn early on how to recognize

what we do not now use we may one day lose

it scares from me a trickle of pee into my jean clad britches

a cold, sweating palm is slickest where it most itches

and I am in almost absolute awe of those women we crudely

refer to as bitches

where does the ink of the cash register's receipt finally end

in the life of the squanderer's riches

perhaps where the stock market point swings up only to then

again fall into the blue chip ditches

can the extreme modesty of one's bank account sew up the old

festered wounds of inhumane neglect with its tiny monetary suture

like stitches


when we each come to learn the true intended meaning of

brother with all its yet explored glitches..........

( written June 4, 1993 am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

how people are more important than things and or riches.

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