
hidden hindered haunted star

even when you hide from me I know exactly where

you are

never from me are you ever really far

your favorable light sets the water at my firmly

planted feet softly aglow

while your friend the whispering wind

billows the hem of my skirt to and fro

there is no lead in my heart that can easily be


my perseverance prevails upon my credited


for that I am thankful to have been gifted

though through the confused confusion of my mind

I have so often drifted

imbalance of spirit forms when what's considered

right and wrong somehow gets shifted

all you'd have to do is merely ask

and I'd remove this gruesomely dreary mask

the scars upon my sullenly stirred soul to you

I would even uncomfortably expose

I would forgive only for you

the wind for the debris in my face

which so carelessly blows

the question with its albatross around my pale

neck in me it steadily grips me and grows

and I see in its eyes what it obviously

already knows

this conflict is the biggest of all possible shows

what better time to come to such an odd conclusion

than at the end of such clever close

ok, well maybe not so clever after all.............

(written FEb 16,1992 am)

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