
sweet eyes

on a stormy day

the ripple of baritone

pulls me in

memory is such a brutally

beautiful thing

marrying me

yet again

always to the tears

that never fail to come

even my next breath misses you

I will always love tomorrow though

for with it comes

the knowledge

that she brings me  

yet another day closer

to you

the end I seek

to obtain

when my time

releases her hold

and permits me

to fly ever fondly forth


back to the love

I never stopped seeking


Author's Notes/Comments: 

a critique was written to me asking if this poem was about myself. my reply is no, not in the way meant, but rather about a dear dear man named Mak whom I adored who has died. when I speak of a ripple of baritone I am speaking of his awesome deep voice. Though I am no way near that of being suicidal, still I do look forward to the day I pass on so I can be with him once again. Thank you for bringing this to my attention Alyssa!

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alyssa johnson's picture

good poem... is this about you though... like you never stopped looking for you and you love yourself or something. just wondering b/c it says melissa at the end of it and your name is melissa also.