

timidly strong

you are

my rock

but with such heart

you send my shame skittering

out of control

all ablaze

you've made my former fears

scramble simply to become

even moderately worthy

flailing now

in the wind of your frank disbelief

and wildly whipping confusion

just who is

this strangely haunting creature

who can so horrifiably fascinate you so

I thank you quite soulfully though

for your honesty's acceptance

and the unvarnished truth of your

"in one's face" sort of understanding

you are the first real drop of rain

my contradicting desert of emotions

opened up for

and such sands are not so certain

how to welcome

the naturalness of this gift of reason

called Satya!

but far better storms await us

my mighty sweet one

so, let us continue to paint lovely

luminous clouds

for each other

under which we can now stand safely



in our newly grown eyes of fondness

every other drought that came before


as we are

like two sketches

drawn by the same

under appreciated artist

destined to be


(Aug 5,2000 8pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for S........

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