
It's a little after 3 AM, and Lynn is on the prowl. She thinks she has found out where Jack spends his late night hours away from his private investigator office, which is also where he lives instead of paying rent for an apartment.  He doesn't stay with his new girlfriend because she lives with her mother in a small studio.  As she turns a corner she sees the all night diner she is looking for, and spots Jack through the large window. "It looks like this early bird has found her worm, and with his back to her. Nice."  She takes the gun from her purse, pulls a scarf up over her mouth, and approaches Jack:  "Take this, Worm," she says, and fires five rounds into his back. The sixth round she saves for herself. Just in case.

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As I read this poem, the name Jack was also on the airwaves.

Hell hath no fury like a woman experiencing infidelity... is one of

many thoughts about this poem