Poems are prayers

Poems are prayers in the form of promises. Ink flows paper shrinks. Darkness turns to dawn. Light grows and shadows fade. Heart to pen. Hand moving fast like an over eager lover. Pain shaper as senses are dulled. Creation born from sadness and lament.
Chain smoking cigarettes as you are consumed by regrets and what ifs.
Anguish fuels the fire. From pain comes forth beauty of emotion in its purest form.
Pain is the muse. Poetry its lover.

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lyrycsyntyme's picture

As I found it

"Pain is the muse. Poetry is the lover."

For me, it is more often so than not. I find it that, most times, for me it is a desire to release pain and shed the stresses of struggle that encourage writing, whereas with happiness I want to hold it close rather than release it (producing fewer words and writes).


I also find poetry and lyric writing great for trying to work things out that aren't clear, or make them clearer, but you hit something on the head for me, for sure.

AquariusMoon's picture

I like the title of your

I like the title of your poem, and the last line resonates with me. Welcome to poetry land.

oneradbaddad's picture

Thanks! Its an awesome place

Thanks! Its an awesome place to be