Painting My Dreams

Painting My Dreams

I've never blamed a single soul

For mistakes I've made in life.

I've worn a dozen different hats,

Such as teacher, mom, and wife.

I've fallen flat and messed up big.

I've striven to meet my goals.

Been whiplashed by a twisting fate,

Resizing for all those molds.

But through it all I had a charm

That kept me from despair.

I'd grab my brush and canvas,

And paint dreams with such care,

That circumstances 'round me,

Would slip away, would fade.

I paint life bright and cheerful,

In worlds my brushes made.


To view some of my paintings, click on the paint pallette.  

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I saw an exhibit of Norman Rockwell work last weekend...Just a few, but all uplifting and motivating in spirit.  I always WISH when I see his work.  Wish MY life was like the picture of the family gathered together in loving unity, wish MY neighbors were so caring, wish MY (you get the picture).  Well, this weekend I found out that Norman Rockwell said, "I paint life not as it is, but how I WISH IT WAS."  Go figure.  So I do have something in common with the man after all.  To see some of my paintings click here:  Jessica's Artwork

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TREXPATTON's picture

Dear Jessica, NEVER substitute "it MIGHT have been", for "I WILL make it / paint it as IT IS!!". Painting, as poem-ing is an additive art: we put layers on & on , & eventually it is our own self-portrait. Good to see you writing again. Love & prayers, Teddy.

"Poe" I'm not, nor "Rich" am I,
but I'll be famous, b'ye and b'ye !