
I was like rapunzle back in the day-

Locked in my tower of sadness and pain

Waiting for you to come and save the day

Sat beside my window looking at the rain


You promised you would return

 and you promised you’d be there.

That you would saddle up someday,

 and I’d drop down my hair.


But then time went on and without me

So I locked up my heart and threw out the key

I knew love was a lie I would never believe

So I climbed down alone, and without you I got free...

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Beatnik1979's picture


seems some times, that setting oneself free ( though unfortunate) may be the only true thing that can be really counted on. Well done, and well said

allets's picture

Evolution of the Heart

This was fun to read and well put together, unified and a great "voice" lives here - Enjoyed, laughed at the end - it is what we do alone - Lady A