Question Mark (in a pool of sorrow and regret)

~13~ Love and Loss

what's happened to your face?

it's just dark and vacant ruins

everyday your feet walk the same pattern

your sore eyes never look into the light

a shadow hangs over your shoulders

and a tear leaves the corner of your eye

every laugh is a cry

faking smiles with a sigh

your matches have all been used

your candle has been abused

you wrote me a letter on how you felt

but the only thing on the paper was a question mark

the world walked all over you…

now it walks through you

slipping into the water

you swam to the bottom and held your breath

gripped onto a drain and waited for death

yet even by Death you were scorned

it seems you died before you were even born.

why couldn't have someone seen you drowning?

why didn't they rescue you from the pressure?

but I saw you in the pool of sorrow

I reached out my hand but it wasn't for you

I could see the smoke hiding you from vision

and yet I shook my thoughts from the decision

I had thrown away your letter and never wrote you back

dismissing your cries for help

I caused your heart to blacken

now my soul has left me ill and cracked

my world is just an inkblot

I lived my life and you did not

each day that I hear your faint screams for help

my spirit dies again and again

my pool of sorrow is dry

and this tormenting regret will never end

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this poem is about a person who's friend was suicidal and crying out for help... they didn't know what to do, therefore didn't do anything about it at all... the friend ended up killing themselves and now its too late.

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its so sad, that in one way or another each of us pass by this kinda souls crying out for help and we simply overlook them or ignore them.
thank you for this piece, it reminds me to be more compasionate on the lost.
keep writing.