


i am the scarecrow,

because i hold the scare,

i can be your fantasy

turned into nightmare,

i've been serrated and shattered,

my eyeballs are clocks,

they threw my brains in a trashcan,

and so i've stolen your thoughts,

my torso's in a lake somewhere

and my arms lit on fire,

oh, i don't want to be the scarecrow

but truth is, i'm just a liar,

i could run to you slow motion,

and walk along the ocean,

but poor me i'm deranged,

i could think i'd be winkin'

if my armpits weren't stinkin'

oh, i wish i had a brain!


wouldn't have to play the advocate

of these devils so dam* adamant 

if i only hadda brain!!! 



8:00 AM 7/9/2013  ©




