
There is a person for every body and that person is destiny.

Maybe u meet the person in the city or online.

But no matter what it is u destiny.

It can hurt when u are not close but when u are close it feels good.

I think destiny will meet all ppl some day maybe.

When u are young maybe when u are old u never know.

But if u meet it don`t let it go do what u can to make it stay

Because it is the only person that can make u life complet.

Because she/he is ment to be with u 4 life.

And when u meet the person u know it right away.

Because u will have a feeling u will never feel.or have never feel  like that befor.

And then u meet it u can almost say the holy words.

2 the person right away because u feelings will flow.

On the road of love and happiness 4 ever .

If she/ he is the right for u .

So remeber always follow u heart .

Even if it can be hard for u ,

It can crush u heart if u don`t do it .

And if u do it u heart will shine like the SUN.

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Hey babe your new poem is absolutley beautiful it shows that u have a heart of GOLD wish there were more people out there like u.keep writing babe talent like yours should not b wasted, words like yours should b shared.
lotza luv RONNIE B