Rainy Days

Thunder crackles,

A child cuddles close to it's mother.

Glass shatters,

A killer makes his way through a house.

Shots Fired,

A body falls from the highest cliff.

Two people embrace,

Love radiates under an endlessly cloudy sky.

Blood spilled,

The killer has fulfilled his duty.

A child sleeps,

The storm has subsided, and the sky is blue.

Metal hits stone,

A field is empty, a gun lay by a stone on the cliff.

A marriage proposal,

Two live become intertwined, and forever as one.

Life is full of rainy days, but those who live,

live for those rainy days.

A mother lives to teach and comfort her child,

a killer, to do his bidding when necessary,

a man to end and give up on his life,

and one rainy day to make two lives become one.

Life, it is full ofrainy days, for those who dare to live,

Live for those rainy days.....

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poetvg's picture


 channa (aka  reina) S.'s picture

wow.. very well written. i love it when it rains!