
I stand here,
and I look around,
First at the people, then to the ground
in a way shy.
but wondering why.
I know most of you here,
maybe it not being shy, but just fear.
Behind me sit my friends,
Together we have endured to all ends,
Grade eight, out of elementary,
and being taught another century,
Grade nine,
Not much wrong there, it was fine.
Grade ten, It meant much.
New friends, experiences, and it became like a crutch.
Grade eleven and twelve,
we buckled down some more and applied ourselves.
but throughout all these years of fun and learning.
we all still have that one yearning,
It's this very day you see,
that means so much to you and me.
our lives no longer in a cage
are let out to start a new page.
the first chapter is over.
now the second starts, we have nothing to fear,
Just keep on trekking, not looking to the rear.

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Brittany Casey's picture

This poem is really very good. It almost made me cry. Thanks. -Britt