Going With The Flow

her lashes bat upon heavy eyelids

reflections of red in her lethargic eyes

tasting you,

you swarm through

scraping in my ears

the temparary satisfaction,

the everlasting unsatisfaction

draining out all of me

load up another one

one more taste

and you will see

filled me up with tears of doubt

thoughts of you so faded

now that im without

Author's Notes/Comments: 

lessons learned..kinda personal

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soo true and lovely idea and the plea you did here is really a wonderful and heartfelt one.. yea very impressive poem..enjoyed alot and read three time and felt like its touching my soul..my innerself..well done dear poetess and hope your heart and soul is touched by my poetry..that will be my luck>>>>>>> love your poetry..doing well and wish if you do more commens to know how its...best of luck..