
such a word may make one die

make one want to cry

fluttering down

fluttering down into their melted plastic lives

a so called perfect creature

wasting away in your fake perfection

its all just lies

staring in the mirror

hated reflections

hated perceptions

cover up the flaws

o just better your complection

starving cuz they think its right

no such thing

distorted posters and magazines

it is not perfection

this is not perfection

perfect-such a word can be deceiving

such a word may make one cry

make one want to die

such a word does not exist

only in their plastic minds

in their plastic minds

it persists

Author's Notes/Comments: 

i wrote this cuz an old friend said..hey write a poem about what u think about perfection. so i did.

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Afzal Shauq's picture

good and impressive one... yeah its a very clear and good poem with rich thought and sure ... the way you did it is great and heart knocking of course... so I can loudly say that you are a sweet poet with honey poetic feelings and thoughts... hope my poetry has also that much strenth to make way to your heart and brain to capture as this poem of yours has done to mine.... wish you good luck peotry friend... with a hope you will go through my work know if its heart touchig or not?