I still touch myself there


of all the guys ive fucked and fucked over 

you were the only charity case

and I placed my self in the position of beauty queen

and you the beast

I twisted you up in knots and played you so well

I turned you in to the finest cunt 

and I find myself craving my own tricks less and more

the best thing i ever had

now you twist her up in knots

and I masturbate to 

the thought of you

saying I love you

in that carpark

that beautiful night

when i let myself

believe in love

and even ruined

I pine for you 

my finest creation

the product of my

cruel intensions

my damaged dark knight

who left his heart dripping in my hands

and tore my own out as it caught 

its self on your realisation 

that I am no woman 

worthy of love.


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S74rw4rd's picture

Your use of metaphor to speak

Your use of metaphor to speak of the unspeakable is brilliant!


SSmoothie's picture

WOW!  incredible poem! LOVE

WOW!  incredible poem! LOVE THIS:

 " dark knight

who left his heart dripping in my hands

and tore my own out as it caught 

its self on your realisation 

that I am no woman 

worthy of love."




Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

Moonshadow's picture


THANK YOU SSMOOTHIEEEEEE!!!!  I knew, well I was hoping you would like this. Its a somewhat true story about a a guy I used to know. Some things you just can't take back hey. Pain is often passed on whether we are aware of it or not. Sometimes we look back and shudder! 20/20 vision... If i knew back then what I know now... Georgie Benson got it right!

Dont look for me, I'll find you ~Moonshadow

allets's picture


hindsight is 20/20 - if I knew then what I know now, imagine what I WOULD know now! Nice write. Honest.