Someday Soon

I sit beneath the moon

And search the stars to find you

I know that you're gone

And you're not coming home tonight

But I'll come home to you

...Someday soon

     And oh I can't wait to be

     In your arms again

     And bring up things of the past

     We'll talk of memories

     That day will come

     ...Someday soon

I should have told you I love you

But now the time is gone

I can't take back those things I said

So now I'm left with regret

But I'll look you in the eyes

...Someday soon

     And oh I can't wait to be

     In your arms again

     And bring up things of the past

     We'll talk of memories

     That day will come

     ...Someday soon

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Noelle S's picture

this one is cute

poetvg's picture

this is my
second favorite .