Passage from an Unknown Historical Account 780 B.C

I give to you the unabridged albeit strange passage from an unknown papyrus carbon dated but yet without geographic origin. The language itself was until now indecipherable. Though ownership changed hands many times throughout history the text resides currently in an undisclosed library which houses the largest collection of rare antiquity books.


And so it is written in the year of the Reptiles that pedestrians of which cannot be named, as their mass in numbers were greater than anyone could imagine, soon noticed the grass turn to mud through running water. It continued seeping through the roads and into the heart of public buildings loosening the foundation so that crumbling ran along the multitudes of all that is the land we cherish. Many nights prior to this phenomenon me and my companion took upon our journey on horseback. From the small land in the high area called Paradise we aimed to find the house of truth, that legend said could be found in the discarded sands of Hell.


Deep into the trenches of our path, armed only with a map, water and bread, the land we were accustomed to slowly removed the greenest of pastures to form labyrinths of mirrors and crocodiles. With eyes of the sun these beasts, upon self reflection, burned to crisps and left black ashes. I stood in awe of the shadows on the clouds, I said with confidence "I can reach it from the ground". We observed many days and nights of foreign land in which indigenous children approached us with sores on their faces placing open palms outward to seek bread. The adults of this tribe stood in majesty with angular headdress and masks made of wood cut to the basis of expression. My companion, the nameless one, in an account in which all shall remain nameless, had died of thirst.


As I looked into the abyss I saw the gates at the end of the pathway perpetually in the distance as if it seemingly pushed backwards the closer I reached. As I passed through the arch I looked above to admire the decorations of meticulously chizzled white stone carved to display battle scenes I had never known. Along the way I found many previously unknown temples and artifacts that weren't located on the map. I wish to tell you of these musings due to the craftsmanship alone but none could reflect any rational explanation. As of this writing my documentation possessions are growing scarce and further writing is almost incapable as regarding the heat swelling my conscious state I cannot by memory alone account for all that has befell our journey.

As I all but gave up and cursed the place I thought I would forever dwell, I saw in the distance a golden enclosure with four sides made of the most splendid and pure shining gold. It stung my eyes and I covered my face partially pushing forward in the sinking sand. Within the golden facade I looked inside the smallest of cracks, the inside room was illuminated by candlelight and shown sleeping guests of some lucid party. The candle died with the wind and it was apparent the room which guarded the true temple inhabited the scour of immortality. From this one could hear the slightest of sounds growing in number as if worshippers whispered collective thoughts reaching this area in unison.


The people in the facade were frozen in time by some orderly procession of peculiar method and hereby nobody knows the solution. The even greater temple eluded my eyes as I became temporarily blinded by it's golden sight. Approaching the sides which were taller than the facade, I pushed my hand against the hot surface where upon the door opened and closed. Inside I saw yet again more gold, in the form of eyes sealed shut adorning the walls beckoning to be opened. The perfectly preserved surfaces began aging once exposed to air. To my shock the eyes slowly opened to reveal multiple colors of deepening pigmentation that began secreting water.


The colors and formations within these eyes spoke of in my native language the following; "That which you seek can be found to the north skies if your...

Unfortunately the text ends abruptly before concluding properly. On the nature of the meaning I have given up. I suppose it is best kept this way unless something within you resonates to conquer what wonders remain.

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I like the provenance of the

I like the provenance of the manuscript that you describe.  Very enchanting to read.
