The best things

I gotta stay humble, lived a fast life now that I think about it, cant remember most days cause I flew right past them, all the drugs all the women and the money spent, feels like I lived a 100 years and I aint 30 yet, the more you do the less exiting it gets, I guess thats why celebrities deep down feel depressed, it may take a while till you find out you cannot buy happiness, the best things in life are free and so is the stress.

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"...and so is the stress..." a fine ending. Diversity is the key. Change spaces, throw out old stuff and buy new stuff. Talk to relatives - now that is renewing - at least it makes you aware of your blessings. Drugs and the fast life have drawbacks; after all the artificial fades, you still have to look in the mirror. :D



Mi-a-mi-car-el's picture

thank you friend

thank you friend

From Car-el