A mind stained with history

The traffic sporadically alters into a cluster of trouble

My path of slow dragging feet reclines into a new dimension

Floating suddenly in space, comets fly past me, with their salutations

Returning again to a burning bridge, where I awaken to a nightmare as horns blare 

Angry drivers yell from their short list of insight, craving the taste of love and revelation

Sinking through the ground again to vast space, the atmosphere of earth seems so surreal 

Limbs detatched from the torso that supposedly belong to me, I never did know who I truly was


History sits on my nightstand as I awaken from this dream, and transition to another, I hope this one is more forgiving

Grains of my brain deteriorate, and it's acidic residue burns through the steel floor, the bags under gods eyes grow as I lock the door

The objectives of the devil tie me with a lasso as I stubbornly resist, yet a part of me gives in

Like cattle surrounded by fence


Curvatures paint around my sight with innuendos and confusion, Through my hand that attempts to grasp, deppression seeps into the pores

So long have I been trapped that description of such foulness has become so easy

My resolution is repressed by misconception and layered with a lazy icing


When I am alone is the only time I feel I can get anything done, for the presence of others only reminds me that all my beliefs are jokes


And how angry it makes me

The muk that surrounds my ankles, the humidity that hit's me deeply, the bugs that crawl over my skin, the rocks that puncture within

I can't tolerate such an illusory hell any longer

Yet still it is here it seems

My introspection is tarnished with a failure to be genuine 

For if I am genuine then I will quiver from the discovery of my aptitude to hide 

How does one confide when all the confide are lies?

How does one develop greatly if they only seem to develop new ways to suffer


The magnitude of such introspection must come from a place of greatness, yet the shallow sprouted flowers show little potential

And it's these that suck my attention, and the rocks in which I step on have me stumble and fall

I hunch for the weight of the world simply dares me to stand tall 

And it's a dare that I fear



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nightlight1220's picture

Oh, Mardigan.... wow oh wow

Oh, Mardigan.... wow oh wow oh wow.... love this.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


Mardigan's picture

So glad you enjoyed it :)

So glad you enjoyed it :)