One Drop

I complain, over the smallest of things.

Women whine, over the size of their rings;

But all around the world there are kids who die.

I promise, I'm not telling you a little lie

Little boys walk the Earth with raw blisters;

just to get clean water for their sisters.

And I'm surrounded by people who moan

over which iphone they get to own.

But when we go home

We have to remember that we have clean water.


Let me tell you a story,

about a boy; who drinks water a little too blurry

It's not fair, babies having dirt in their hair

Never feeling clean.

Everyone looks a little too lean

Compared to them we all look a little too healthy 

Yeah, we look a little too wealthy.


How can a family make one drop last. 

When i use gallons just as fast

Now what can we do to help?

Listen to the ads

Not to your trendy fads

Raise your voice 

At least you and I have a choice;

To make a change

Thirsty kids in the world today

Let's come together and quench there thirst by the end of the day.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was a project to show people that they shouldn't take what they have for granted.

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allets's picture

Poem Project

Conservation in all things, I say. Water, food, shelter, clean air, - all the basics, happiness, work, adventure, security - should be everyone's but the world turns and the poor will always . . .

Just Bein' Stella

