
she was rather laconic

did not seem to talk much

one day she told me a secret

and down to the sentimental stairs

                                            we went


in her reticent words...

phrases... i found myself lost

wondering who she was

exploring her own worlds


her quietness seemed infinite

and infinite seemed were her inner feelings

the thrills of my guessing

and the confusion of my being


short her sentences were

and so was our love

quiet had it begun

and up the stairs

into oblivion

it was





Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm a very amateur Brazilian pseudo-poet. Though i'm fluent in english, this was one of my first attempts at using my creative side in the language. I'm looking for new friends to discuss art and stuff like that... any candidates?




Marcos Polo


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allets's picture

Art & Stuff Like That

Great use of English - you have grasped the form and a fan. See my prose CW writes for art & stuff like that, then we can talk as much as you like. Verbosly and humbly sent ~~A~~