
I could say that I've been through hell and back and you would just scoff at me, because in your head, realistically, hell is visions of war and famine, it's all you can manage to conjure up in your brain it's burning to death, in the rain, but back to reality.
I could say I've been through hell and back because matter-of-factly while you envision hell as a war my hell could be me sitting on my floor thinking about what to make of everything that's happened to me, and I'll say that and you'll think "but your life's not that bad" and you're right, on the surface it's like it's almost perfect, despite a few cracks on the screen it seems to be quite alright, but dig a little deeper and you'll see that Im fried from fighting with myself at night, staying awake to fight the fight that is never ending in my mind it's like I'm fine until the sun goes down and then my brain is like Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde except only the bad side because the truth is we're all individuals, we all have problems and we all need help, so if you hear someone say they're struggling and need you, don't blow it off as being dramatic because you think you know what bad is and that's not it, don't just hear them listen to them because if you think they're being dramatic think of the last time you were in a panic and really listen, because it only takes one ear to help suck away another's fear of what's to come, can you hear what I'm saying clear?
I seriously doubt it, not many people will read this and not many will care, if you've gotten Here I need you to go back and really hear what I'm trying to say, is it confusing? What I'm saying is everyone has a demon that follows them around whether they know it or not, demons in the form of peers, for some they see their demon when they look in a mirror. Don't blow somebody off because you have a different perception of hell because to the kid that sits across from you in class, his hell could be a school bell ringing to signify that it's going to begin, the ridiculing all because he doesn't follow trends he doesn't exactly "fit in" and that's ridiculous, just because somebody doesn't listen to the same music or wear the same clothes as everybody else doesn't mean they're an alien, it actually means that they're a real human, someone who can think for themselves and is proud to fight that hell because he knows that someday, that will be in the past and he'll be free. Don't blow somebody off because you think they're being dramatic because the truth is the only real drama is in our heads, everyone, is someone in need at one point or another because how bad would you feel if you shook your head, walked away, only to turn around and see them dead, Metaphorically speaking of course.
I could say I see hell every night of the week when I close my eyes and try to sleep, I could tell you all of my problems and what's wrong but I'd rather save my breath for someone who not only hears, but listens as well, to come a long.

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I Grew Up

surrounded by "drama" and survived because I did not take is seriously. They learned to be social, I learned to be alive. Most of them are dead, in prison, or in relationships that would make Hell blush. There is a time to sow and a time to "blow off". Identifying danger is a survival skill, depending on your growing up environment. - :S