To Dream or to Follow?




it was a good day


until the letter


it was good until that afternoon


in my room


hoping for something


that I had always known would never happen


not to me


if only god did exist


then I would pray


but then everyday


I would be waiting for an answer




there are good days and bad


but being sad is not going to achieve anything


so I try to believe I CAN


because if I can’t believe in myself


how can anyone else?






I know my dream is crazy


but I am I willing to give it all I’ve got


or am I just lazy?




hard work would make a difference


but that would just make failing harder


falling on my face and trying to get back up


and you can’t find success without failure


but is failure worth it?




we all aim high


but that old saying


about reaching for the moon and falling among the stars




the stars are a lot further than we think


and if we miss the moon


we are just surrounded by nothing more than satellites and space junk




all we can do is try to resist


                                                        the urge


the voice repeating itself over and over


telling us we aren’t good enough


that we shouldn’t exist




I can’t take it anymore


the lies


the hopelessness that comes with dreams


it’s too hard to try


but it’s harder to forget


I don’t want to give up


or regret




maybe if I found an inspiration


I would work harder


to find that motivation


because we have to know why we do what we do


if not for us, then for who?




there are two types of people in the world


sheep and shepards


I am a sheep


and when I tried to be a shepard


and lead


no one listened


so I gave up


I grew wool and started walking on four legs


I was a fool


mindlessly following


allowing the shepards show the way


even though I already knew where to go




or maybe I don’t need a leader


would it be so bad if I left the herd?


but what if I learned


I couldn’t make it on my own


could I go back


or would I be left alone?




there are good days and bad


but maybe the bad days are worth


those good days


and I should try to make the most of what I’ve got left




can I find my happy ending?


or am I just living in a fantasy world




to be someone I'm not



Author's Notes/Comments: 

My first poem for school. please be nice :)

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nightlight1220's picture

Questions only you can

Questions only you can answer. This old grey haired woman will say this...Integrity is made of appreciation for things unseen, things spiritual--like love, hope, honesty, respect, understanding...etc (you get the drift?). An old classic song says it best. One of my war torn father's favorites he would listen to most often.

Best of luck and love to you~peace~


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


iwonderwho's picture

this is a great poem!

it's really well written. I can also relate to many of the things mentioned in this. 

hear hear, 

from another person right here

hoping for a happy ending

waiting for her life to start

and getting used to pretending


lozzyrox156's picture


My teacher told me to write what I know. So i did.

allets's picture

This Is A Long Poem

and every wordis necessary to say "someday, somewhere". 2 C is 2 believe, but to believe and not C is miraculous with joy ~ Allets