

In my life I have had trouble.
In my life I have had strife.
In it, I have lied.
In it, I have hurt.

Looking back now I cry.
Looking back now I cringe.
Looking back, I am unforgivible.
Looking back, I am nothing.

Yet they say after I died I 'was great'
Yet they say 'I will miss you'
Yet they say 'good-bye'
Yet they say 'forgiven'

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MyinsecureSelf's picture

Time can never stand still

Time can never stand still nor wait,
It can neither be reversed or changed,
so do not sit in idle despair,
for sadly, your mistakes were made
but also lessons have been learned and wisdom gained,
so I pray you do not linger in desolate mood,
for time cannot help but to move, so whether your mistakes were great or small
know that the Lord forgives all,
and that there is nothing gained- from dwelling on mistakes that have already been made.

This is one of my poems that i wrote when i felt really guilty and depressed about something i did.. i hope it helps somewhat.

LovingLovelace's picture

It does help. Thank you ~ <3

It does help. Thank you ~ <3

If your mirror doesn't find you one of the most beautiful people it has ever seen, punch it and find a better mirror.

thisisme789's picture

Nice write!

I can tell you have some guilt about what you did, and in being forgiven for doing them.
I can sorta relate to how you feel. When I was younger I did so many things that I hate knowing that I've done, and have conflicting feelings about being forgiven for doing them.


LovingLovelace's picture

Thank you

It's gotten better, but still......

And thank you :)

If your mirror doesn't find you one of the most beautiful people it has ever seen, punch it and find a better mirror.

thisisme789's picture

Yup! Anytime! ^_^

Yup! Anytime! ^_^
