its not your fault




when i was little i would sleep beside her

sharing a bed in her small apartment

i felt safe

i felt warm

the smell of her cigrates and heavely perfumened body

up against my face

i dug myself into her stomach afraid this would be the last time i saw her


she was never around long

motherhood was boring

and i.. the little blond, chubby girl

was not enough to keep her around.


or so i thought for most of my young life




i cant think that any more

i cant fathom the thought that I

the little child i was

could be the cause of her great dissapearing acts.


See my grandparnts taught my the best they could

though hiding most of my mother away from me,

That things happen in life you cant control


but i will be damned if i cant control how i feel.


My mother


she tried her best to stay

she tried to make it up to me

but then she would go again


leaving me behind


BUT Damnit!

I tell my self


get out of the funk

Its not your fault


and who needs a part time mother


Who needs a half a year dosage of disapointment!


i tell my self

Its not your fault


Get out of the darkness while you can

before its to late and the batterys are out

of your flash light.





Author's Notes/Comments: 

Im a little rusty.

I think this would be better as a slam poem.

i aslo might add more later

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Rusty Is Good

We have a fine tradition of rant poetry on postpoems - rant on - no need to slam or add more, write another poem instead. You are being open and the honesty says you are poet - move over truth! - Lady A