Life is just

Life is just a bunch of morons running around trying to find an answer. I am here to find an answer. I am a moron. Will you find your answer? Will you find the question? Do you know what to ask to find the indefinite answer for your life? No. There is no one ultimate question. There's no way of knowing what we need to do in life. We wander around aimlessly, not knowing, until one day we find ourselves in a mix of some life, we had no idea we would be in.

There's no hope for the future, so live in the present. There's no life in living in fear, You need to learn. Many religions, think that they are right. I fight against extremist Muslims, but the ones who piss me off are Christians...they think they are here for the soldiers, but the soldiers don't care. We are here fighting for the real Americans...the ones who know the future is now...the ones that get up, and work to support their families. Not the fucking assholes who live in a nice big house, and think because they go to church every Sunday that they are righteous. The soldiers know the separation of church and state. Do you? We know that god and jesus have no place in war, or politics. We are here because the President has gotten us in a war, that cannot be won.

There's no hope for the future. Just bankruptcy, and hurt feelings. We are in a world of hate, and rednecks all over hate the Iraqi's. They don't see the fact that we are in this war because of their kind. I am here because my leader thinks it is a way of life to attack every country that is brown. I am here because the economy is not so hot. I am here because in school I didn't get good grades. I am here because this country needs to find a way, that doesn't end in tragedy. I guess that's all life is really.

Will you help us find a way? Will you end the war we fight with ourselves. Will religion stop being a huge debate. So what if the new President is a Muslim, so what if you are uncomfortable. I don't care anymore. I am fed up with America and all they think they stand for. The true Americans are the ones in the military. We are the ones who joined, and do our part. What have you done? Pray? Think about us? We are here for you. We have made you come together. There's no hope for this world. Life is just a bunch of people finding their  way. Have you found your way?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm fed up

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