a letter to 13 year old me

unrefined words.

call it poetry.

stuck inside the head

of an adolescent kid

i watched him call his mother

a thousand different names

and it all comes out the same

"i am spoiled rotten scum

american and dumb

computerized machine

of self-depraving


consumerist dream."

was that once me?

what can i change?

i told him he should just obey

listen to what mothers say

they only want the best.


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allets's picture

They Told Me Rock And Roll

Would make me sterile. They will have to pry my transister radio out of my dead cold fingers!  Great great reflection. Enjoyed : D ~A~



rose's picture

i am spoiled rotten

i am spoiled rotten scum

american and dumb


i wicked enjoy the way you write