Forget The Box (You Got This)

Song Lyrics

Verse 1
Hey you
LOL yes you
Listen that box
That society
And fear
Tell you 
To see by 
Way of
It's rubbish
It will never be enough
To make you what 
You are meant to be
See outside the box
Be you
Be weird
Dare to be silly
Teach the world
It is ok to have fun
Be the one
Who is a triangle peg
Instead of a square one

Be the rare one
Yes dare
To be the
Black sheep
In a sea of 
Sad conformity
Because if you do
You will be one 
Who inspires
A whole society
Even if you somehow
Never even know it

Verse 2
Comes from 
The mind
Not of the conformist
But from that
Of the rebel
Who dared 
To be different
In a cookie cutter society
Nothing changes
Even for the better
If no one stands 
Against what is
For a better and more 
Unique oriented future
So go ahead
My beautiful triangle peg
Show the world
What it has been missing
You got this


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"You got this"

Yeah, great advice. I got this!

Lady A