
You, this is a dream poem for-

so far away.

Amidst the blue sky, fluffy clouds

and green sea,unspoken thoughts

of intrigue.

A face I see, always in my dreams,

a smile down upon me beams-

Are you my light, to show me

the way, to steer the course,

till light of day?

And if you are, my sweet sailor true,

I wish you strength, love and

treasure too!

May your long awaited

happiness come to pass

as well your future plans be

ever great and last!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

By lilwinky
Written Monday, April 5th 2004

Note: this was written for an online sailor penpal...I wanted to just write a nice poem for him...I had previously shown him another that I had written, and he said that he wished that someone would write him one, so I did...I dedicate this to all those in the Navy far away from the people that they miss so much!

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Sean Michael Osborne's picture

That was very nice...how did he like it?