Fade Away

The Wanderer

Fade away

Into yesterday

Will anyone know I'm gone

Trapped in future's past

I'm struggling to escape

Tireless sorrows enrapture me

To be brave

Woe to yesterday

Watch me slowly fade to grey


If morrow

Who would dare to stay

To witness skies fall and part


Blink away

Land of tomorrow

Is nothing worth fighting for


Shattered cuts

Not to be repaired

Now answer me. Am I dead

To you, you to me

Is there any virtue here

Or has time defeated me wholly


Do I dare

Pick-up and leave now

Darkness withering me black

Light faded to ash

Will horizons lift once more

Or ignite embers of time's torment


Fade away 

From my yesterday

Won't happen to my today.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I reedited this poem recently. It follows a 3 then 5 then 7 or 5 then 7 then 9 syllable structure.

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S74rw4rd's picture

And yet another entropy poem

Yes, a definite thread is forming among your poems, and that is commendable.  That, plus the technical feat of syllabic control and pattern that you have brought off in this poem designates you as a deliberate artist, not some random stenographer of pretty, but petty, insights.  Wallace Stevens (an American poet whom I highly recommend, if you have not already met him) said that poems may well occur on their own, but they are better off if they are caused.  You demonstrate the correctmess of his assertion to that end. 


hopelessly-candid's picture

Haha its a theme I very much

Haha its a theme I very much like ^_^. I've only read a couple of Stevens' s works. The first time I read something of his, which I believe was "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird", I was absolutely confused. Haha x). I think I've read more analysis of his work than his actual work. There seems to be quite a few themes in his poems with extensive metaphors and intricate symbols. It's quite captivating; it just takes me numerous reads to finally understand. ^_^

S74rw4rd's picture

Good observation

Yes, Stevens does make you work.  When I was in college, back in the dinosaur days, a poet came to read (and she just happened to be beautiful as well).  As she arrived early, and they didn't know what to do with her, I was asked to give her a tour of the campus.  We spoke of many things, but she told me that I must read Stevens, and that he would make me work hard to figure him out.  Well, at that time of my life, when a beautiful woman in a mini skirt and jet black tights gave an order, I jumped to it.  I have read Stevens almost daily since then and up until about a month ago.  As you observed, I was reading more analyses of his work than the work itself.  So I sold my entire Stevens collection at a used book sale, and I actually feel freer now that I have done so.


Carcass's picture

Good write

I decided to read your oldest one, pretty damn bleak, I like it.

hopelessly-candid's picture

Thank you very much ^_^... ya

Thank you very much ^_^... ya haha definitely a dark one x)

millyardo's picture

its reminds me of  a

its reminds me of  a thi=riller movie

good write

hopelessly-candid's picture

Haha my favorite kind....

Haha my favorite kind.... thank u so much by the way :)

Beatnik1979's picture

its cynically delicious

dark, moody..enjoyed the bleak of brain left in the wake of this ship. This is not to be "enjoyed"' as it were....but pondered.  Well done. 

hopelessly-candid's picture

Thank you so much :)))

Thank you so much :)))

cevance's picture

Haunting and depressing -- I

Haunting and depressing -- I like it. Very nice.

hopelessly-candid's picture

Thank you I appreciate it :)

Thank you I appreciate it :)

allets's picture

A Writer's Writer

I love the way you "make". So many fine honed lines. Melancholy, but great melancholy, not easy to do so well ~



hopelessly-candid's picture

thank you so much!

thank you so much!