to my first boyfriend

Roses are Red and Violets are Blue

But this isn't the right poem for you.

Now here is the right poem and I hope you can see,

Sometimes I don't show my feelings,

It's hard to express me.

We are fit for each other

At least for awhile,

You make me laugh

You make me smile,

I've got some bad qualities

You've got some bad things about you,

Of course everyone does

And you definitely have lots of good qualities too.

We are now getting to understand each other

We see and hear and know

Our affection for each other grows

And our deep feelings are beginning to show

There was always a void

God filled part and you filled the other

Your strong feelings toward me make me feel special

But not too much to smother

Why didn't we find each other sooner?

I wish we had

You’re so perfect

I can be anything around you except mad

Thanks for being there for me

I hope I've done the same

I'm different in a good way

Since you came!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this in 8th grade....not my proudest moment. it's not very good and really not all that truthful either...the feelings are mostly ones I wished that I had but I didn't...

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Alicia Batchelder's picture

i like how you tell him that he has some bad qualities lol.