Dark Hole

Feelings slowly begin to flow through me
some of joy, most of pain and misery.

Wonder swirls through my mind and soul
trying to understand all i feel in this dark hole.

Sometimes its okay that i am stuck here
others i am desperate for an answer, a way to erase the fear.

These feelings surround me daily
they grow stronger so that i cannot break free.

Its part of me this dark hole of feelings
So that no matter how far i run i cannot escape the pain within.

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hurtandlost's picture

this is how i feel when i

this is how i feel when i finally realize how much of life i missing out on..what can you do when you can only relate to a dark hole..you can only ponder and ask yourself "what is life"

facethetruth2b's picture

Ahh the familiar feeling of

Ahh the familiar feeling of the dark abyss ... Please read a few of mine and see if it may help a little ..I suggest "The day she tried" Hope it can shine a little light through yoru darkness ..>Prayers and thoughts your way for a road to healing...Anytime you need or want to talk message me......

you laugh at me because I am differant, I laugh at you because You are all the same ...(KoRn) J.D......