Does It Really Matter?

We pretend that what I want is significant

That if I say stay don’t go be with me

You would never leave

But we both know the truth

There is where you will always stay

And here I’ll be without you

I wish I could just tell you don’t go

You say you’re miserable

Yet you won’t change it

You claim I make you happier

Than you’ve been in so long

If that’s true then why can’t you stay

Why leave this place

Why not take the leap give this a chance

Who knows where this could lead

What if I’m what you’ve been missing

If we could be together

Would you be there

Would you stay if it wasn’t wrong

But then how could this be wrong

When it feels so right

When my heart races at the sight of you

How do I stop feeling

You ask If I care

But does it really matter

If it does then don’t go

Stay here give this a chance

Let me make you happy

Let me be what you need

All I want is to see you smile

I think I could be all that you want

But if there is no chance then let me go

Let me deal with my heartache on my own

If it doesn’t matter

Then leave me with my faded memories

And let that be enough

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Kris Grula's picture

the flow was almost perfect too, well done