Mistaken Passion


 Sometimes we let ourselves fall down into the deepest depths of love. 

 Allow our mind and body to be ruled by our own heated passion towards another human being.
 Everyone saying that it is a feeling like no other.
 You will be full of this vibrant energy, yet many resist.
 Many confuse the urge. 
 The shallow shape of shaken dreams and ideals unsure of whether it is love found or lust shown within these muscle walls. 
 Some purely don't believe in the endless feeling of love and base everything on their lust because really, how are we capable of such a forgiving and pure emotion when we are destroying our entire existence day by day?
 Betraying the very foundation of trust we'd created, molded and polished only because we've cared so much of another person we dare not lose them by making them ours. 
 This long out stretched idea of 'unconditional love' that people crave and claw for. 
 Looking for that one and never stopping until we feel like they are ours and we are theirs. 
 Turning us into monsters and demons who will stop at nothing to achieve this goal. 
Robust feelings. 
Mechanical love. 
Synthetic hearts. 
Pencil moments. 
 Giving false hope to others just to make ourselves feel better. 
 Temporary matters that we believe will last for eternity. 
 We search for perfection and fairy tale 'happily ever afters'.
 We are willing to cross oceans, climb mountains, sail seas.
And it's all a lie. 
 A scheme that Mother Nature continues to play year after year as if for her own amusement.
 It's all a field of broken feelings and dreams.
 Yet every time we scramble to put our pieces back together and rebuild our broken hearts. 
 Just to be shattered again and again. 
Because people lie. 
 This energy may be coursing through our veins but it's sick and vile and love is a lie because we have lost that capability long ago. 

 We live off mistaken passion and that is all.

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No Love?

I love all the time and it is unrequited (occasionally thrown back). Sometimes that's all you get, but sometimes you are loved but you don't have a clue and that's just life - Lady A