My grandma¨s rosary

My grandmother was a very religious woman, an every action she made, for small or big it was she dedicated it to God. She took care of her sons and daughters, her grandson and granddaughters, and sometimes of the sons of other people. But what was special from her was that she always carries with a rosary, but not like in our times, that people wear it like a type of mode. She wears it like a symbol of faith. Sometimes she had it on her neck, other times she had it on her hand or just near her bed. It wasn’t a special rosary, it wasn’t made of gold, or rose petals, it was just a rosary made of wood, with a cross at the end; purchased at San Juan de los Lagos, Jalisco. But it was Her special rosary. For a strange reason she loved it, she always used it on Christmas or a special religion occasion, when we recite the rosary. She leathered the rosaries in all the occasion; she knew all the words, phrases and histories that were needed to say and leader a rosary. She didn’t follow any instructions or book to recite the rosary. Also, she had taught to my aunts, my mom, cousins, and also to her friends, and her friends daughters, how to pray and use the rosary. But the special thing it that everything she recite the rosary, in every occasion, it seems that was the first time she recite it. Besides the many times she had said it, they were like gone. I think that was what had inspired my mom, aunts, cousin and other people to know the rosary and let her lead. She expresses so much faith in every word, each prayer was directly inspired in God and it’s taught. A detail I forget was that each rosary was followed with Her rosary. Before starting she run into her room for it, and she didn’t started until she had it on her hands ready to start the rosary. Even though sometimes seem that when praying the rosary, people say it to finish before or just because it is a little bit tedious. But my grandmother used to say pause, for us the kids to understand each word and history that was related between each prayer. She always caught our attention. Her faith was something we always remembered about her, but mostly the rosary that she carries. And spread the faith and histories into all of us.

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Dear Objects

The things we anneal to our memory of a loved one. For me it was Grandmama's pressure cooker. - that last few lines are extremely poetic. - Be Well - Lady A~~~~