Markings of Who You Are Once in a Dream

A crack of the whip across the sky
slashes the clouds open wide.
letting the rain pour down like
the water coming through my shower head,
washing everything away. 

I lay still in the dull silence 
as another daydream drips from the faucet 
sliding down my skin
absorbing into my pores 
begging me to transform out of reality once more.

Watching the brick walls constraining me 
swirl down the drain like dead skin.

And now I am a gunslinger, mask high, on the run 
ready to set it off with the Queen 
but it changes in between the flashes of red and blue
and now I am flung by the winds of a tornado 
counting cows flying past... oh wait it's the same cow

Once more I am fall through another seam 
connecting the sea with the sky and I'm falling 
through the pink clouds suspending me in honeyed bliss.
The end is near and I am now
walking through the watery railroad track to catch a train
not giving a damn where it will take me. 

Within each fictitious person manifesting in my mind 
I am only describing myself at a distance
to say profound mysterious things,
to be all of the romanticized disastrous things 
I could never be but still, I try to crawl inside nevertheless 

A raven flying as the swan, 
the swan flying as the raven.
what difference is there to tell?
as the rain pours down washing everything away

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Very Cool Writing

"...down the drain like dead skin..." marvelous imagery throughout - wielded well, this pen of yours. Enjoyed going on the voyage - allets -