Stay the Same [English Song]

English Songs

Stay the same ever,

As you really are,

I don’t want you to change,

Stay within my sight’s range!


You have no idea,

How much I love ya,

I can do anything,

 For you darling,

Stay the same ever,

As you really are,

I don’t want you to change,

Stay within my sight’s range!


I’m crazy for you,

You are the rainbow,

I keep looking at,

Let’s have a chat,

Stay the same ever,

As you really are,

I don’t want you to change,

Stay within my sight’s range!

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Everyone changes

freedom in love means security when separate. I was listening intently to a song lyric today "love me when I'm gone." (Before I thought lyric meant after I die) no, just when apart. Heavy! :D ~S~



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Thank you so much

Thank you so much!