It's Its

Sometimes it's fits
Sometimes it's not it's it's its 
Sometimes its not it's nor its
Let's all drive to Esplanitz
It's a haul But I don't care
I'll drive my Volpi anywhere. 
Its gears may stick
Its lights may dim
It's got you sick
I'm on a whim. 
It's time to say goodbye right now
Its tires awful flat right now. 
Author's Notes/Comments: 

My first post here.  Never comprehended poetry but i'm trying to now that I started writing a novel.  First of all what is this?

1.Grammer Lesson Poetry
2.Not poetry at all 
4.Awesome garbage 

Esplanitz is a town and Volpi is a automobile company in the world I'm creating.

Ideas, suggestions, critique and random comments are welcomed. 

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It's it

It tries to be itself

but it keeps turning up

as an its or it's

but it's not it. We

are sure of it


This is an interesting poem it's it's it v it's it (which says it all). See my how to write a novel in my prose section - if you are just starting out. Or not, it's for it or its, I never discriminate :D - slc