One Step Out

In the beginning, my heart flooded my mind
with pages of your name but pardon me if I don't congratulate
you won in a landslide; now we stare at each other across the divide
I'm hopelessly stuck in mud (I mean love)
and I'd love nothing more than to be replaced (what does that say?)

If my thoughts came from somebody else
would they really even be mine at all?
She said that's the problem; stop thinking for yourself
and problem solved

I'd call that the problem, trying to see it from both sides
I've spent so much time trying to decipher your feelings
that I don't even bother asking why I can't make any sense of mine
I'm one step out of my mind and it's getting more appealing
to just step outside

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Coded Feelings

"I've spent so much time trying to decipher your feelings" What a wondrously accurate line that captures the essences of your material need, finding no recipricallity (reciprocity) of emotions...nice line ~~~Lady A