-The Oasis

On a camel he rides across hot desert sands.

Seeking me out, he takes my hand.

'I've been waiting for you", I say with a smile.

"A long journey", he says,  " mile after mile".

With relative ease, he helps me up top.

Then off we go at a camel's slow trot.

Then thinking alike, as smiles cross our faces.

With a kick and a gallop...off to the oasis!

Up and down dunes, across the white sand.

To our favorite place in this far away land.

Off in the distance the palm trees appear.

The smell of water--our  camel knows we are near.

As we run for the water, we giggle with glee

There's no one to see us, it's just you and me

Clothing goes flying, into blue water we dive

So cool and refreshing, skinny dippers revived!

As we sit on warm sand rehashing our day

we remember the hours of frolic and play.

But night now descends, and surrounds us complete.

Bright stars in the heavens, sky black and so deep.

"We can go to the tent or sleep here on the sand",

come softly the words from this dark handsome man.

With the breeze in my hair and stars whispering our name

"Let's sleep out of doors",  was my answer that came.

So night hours were spent, enjoying nature's best.

Until finally came, the desire to rest.

In the coolness of dawn we collected our things

to prepare for the wonders the new sunrise brings.

Back on the camel to cross desert sands

And remembering a night in a far away land.

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John's picture

WOW! I was working on a possible topic and title for my next poem, when an idea similar to "The Oasis" came to mind. The only problem I had was the vague suspicion that you had already used that title for a poem with the common theme of a "prince charming" encounter - albeit this prince carries you off on a camel. You have done such a great job that I dare not attempt to create another piece that will only end in mediocrity by comparison. This poem was such a delight that I was enticed to the point of overwhelming wanderlust! Hey, Kim, Ya think there's a veiled "fatima" out there in your desert waiting for me? Heck! Your engaging poem makes me want to go hitch up my camel and go find out! Well Done!

onelilartist's picture

I LOVE IT!!! This one is great! You have outdone yourself, girl. Hey, I've gone gourd crazy. I KNOW those aren't gourds in the trees but that's all I can think of. I really like the music, Kim.