Slobber Kisses And Sticky Hugs


It seems not so long ago i'd watch him sleep the day away

Constintly checking the crib to make sure he was okay.

Tiny fingers,tiny toes, and clothes that where a bit to big

Brown eyes always whatching what i do,i knew he was always listening.

Now we watch cartoons,and play goofy games together

Rubbing your hands against dads face just to hear your laughter.

Starting to walk,and even talk, little hands getting into everything

Fun to watch what he'll do next, mr.giggles and grins.

Slobber kisses and sticky hugs,theres not a day my shirts left clean

But those are the times i cherrish best,if you know what i mean.

I'm still learning alot of things, what and what not to do

All the falls and accidents,its hard not to worry about you.

When he grows up i'll make sure to remind'em about the good fun times

Back when he was tiny,Little bundle'a joy of mine.

It seems not so long ago i'd watch him sleep the day away

Constintly checking the crib to make sure he was okay.

Tiny fingers,tiny toes, and clothes that where a bit to big

Brown eyes always watching what i do,i knew he was always listening.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

my two kids mean the world to me. Madison is only a couple weeks right now born May 2nd.
and lelands already 1 years old. I love them both

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Marilyn Walker's picture

I love this makes me remember when my babies were little.

Stacey Gallow's picture

This is such a cute poem, I smiled reading the whole thing.