Whirlwind Dances


I saw something that made me stop along the way

Nothing out of the ordinary, you see it everyday

The wind began to blow and picked up all the sand

Both in the air and on the ground; a storm across the land

Chaos stinging skin, grains in the eye

Dense particles swirling, darkening clear blue skies

A pattern formed invisible but felt

Winds circled round and round, not quite solid yet

Then a form began to shape, curved with feminine grace

Where once nothing stood, a dust devil did replace  

And another began to form; I’ve never taken the time to see

What ethereal beauty lived in this desert, alongside the Joshua Tree.

The two began to swirl, back and forth amidst the scrub and sage

Like a pair of prima ballerinas, dancing on a desert stage

And the music that they danced to, crept in through my ears

A song of changing pitch from an orchestra of a million years

I did my best to watch, though biting sand made me cry

As the devils swirled to the music of winds as they blew by

But a short performance was all it was, as the force did die

And I alone stood and stared at nothing there,

Through pained and stinging eyes.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Welcome to life in the desert.

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Diana's picture

A lovely write of the desert, very descriptive. I love the mention of the ballerinas, how you compare the sage to them.